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visiting his folks for the 15th time this week. Barbara is spending the summer with us too, to work a- while & see all of her old friends before they scatter to various colleges --or get married!

    How is Jerry, and all the rest

too? Joe & I have had small health ups & downs, but really cannot complain too much. We belong to a Club that takes about 15 one day trips & 1 large trip a year -- Mexico etc. We take most all of the one day trips, but Grand Canyon was our big trip last year & Oklahoma City this year. And Joe is still waiting for the right day to visit the Tribune plant. We must go sometime - I've seen it but he hasn't.

  Merry Ann, Fran & Gus are just

fine, but you wouldn't believe how perfectly awful it is at Fenger High these days.

   Hoping things are fine, in "Exotic??"

Moberly - latch string is out any time you folks are near Chicago- land. Write some time.

                                      Best to you always
                                      Louise & Joe