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May 20, 1968 letterhead Mrs. Joseph H. Miller 6825 South Hermitage Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60636

Dear friends -

We were pleasantly surprised to find your card when we came hoe from the Loop. The bluffs and rock

formations looked quite beautiful, but we also have been anxious to see you folks and Moberly, too. As Joe is retiring August 21, this year and we too are planning to go West in September, we wondered if a few days trip arriving in Moberly Tuesday, June 25th and staying a couple of days would be convenient for you folks. Joe has a month's vacation starting June 23rd to Jus damaged but we want to be in Chicago as it damaged July for another little Harder is to be welcomed near July 11th.

We called Greyhound and the schedule is leave Chicago at 11:45p.m. - arrive in Columbia, Missouri at 8:35 a.m. -

get in Moberly at 12:15 mid-day. if you have plans for this date, we could postpone visit until Spring 1969.

I called Mary Ann and asked her if she wanted to feel old - it is hard for us to believe the Swartz boys