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written in black ink above typed letter Dear Jack - Your continued activities have been an inspiration.

                                                                                                                                                   Jack Miller
                                              NORTH COUNTRY
                                                  ANVIL                             Box 37, Millville, Minn. 55957   507-798-2361

Dear Friends, Nov. 16, 1979

     I am sorry to have to inform you that we are unable to continue publishing

the ANVIL. An accumulation of personal and financial obligations has made it necessary for us to lay down the wonderful burden that the ANVIL has been.

   A number of us hope to continue to work as a printing, publishing and

distributing co-op, concentrating on booklets and books by individuals and groups who share some of our goals.

   It is my intention to return in cash all recent contributions to the ANVIL

and to return in cash all subscriptions that have been sent in since our last two issues were published (No. 30S - the PRIMER ON NUCLEAR POWER -- and No. 30) earlier this year. Except for checks sent in the last several weeks, which will be returned uncashed, it will take a period of time to cover these.

   For subscribers who have received these last two publications, we

are asking that you indicate to us whether you would be willing to receive extra copies of ANVIL back issues or extra copies of the PRIMER as reimbursement, or whether you would like to receive a cash refund. (As most of you know, we have never generated much cash here, so the extent to which we will be able to repay in cash is uncertain. All I can say is that we will do the best we can.)

   Over the years, the ANVIL has been blessed with extraordinary energy

contributed freely and without pay from many people. However, the main responsibility for its publication has been my own, and I am personally taking responsibility for seeing that the ANVIL's liabilities and assets are taken care of in the fairest and best way possible. To help with this task, I have asked a number of people who have been closest to the ANVIL to serve on a committee to consider these matters. In addition to helping with decisions about reimbursement, they will consider what is the best future use for the printing equipment, which was bought with contributions from you, the ANVIL subscribers. (The only debt on the equipment is $700 for a set of rollers we put on our big press this year.)

   The building which houses the ANVIL belongs to me, and I hope to be

able to maintain it as a printing and publishing co-op and as a gathering place for people in the network we have been privileged to be a part of.

   The ANVIL committee will meet at 5 p.m. Saturday, Dec. ` at the

shop in Millville, beginning with a light meal. In the meantime, if you have ideas for whatever can best be done to carry on the work of the ANVIL, please send them to Friends of the Anvil, c/o Ellery Foster, Box 841, Winona, Minn. 55987.