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written in blue ink above typed letter Dear Jack -

  Hope things are well in Moberly. We're mighty pleased & proud to be starting

our second year. Wish you could be here, for this thing. Any chance you could send a brief message? We look forward to seeing more good stuff by and about the Sage.

                                                                                  All bestunderlined -
                                                                                    Jack Miller

typed north country ANVILunderlined

                                                                  Box 252, Millville, Minn. 55957
                                                                                                                                         June 20, 1973

Dear ANVIL People:

          We're sorry we have to send you a mimeographed letter, but time


            We want to be sure that you know about -- and get a special invitation

to our first anniversary festival and fund-raiser on Saturday, June 30, from 2 to 11 p.m. at Walker Church, 3104 - 16th Av. S., Minneapolis.

          You, the immediate ANVIL family, are of course the most important

people who will be at the get-together, and we hope you'll make the earth move, if necessary, to get there. We hope, too, that you'll bring all of your friends, relatives, hangers-on & whatnot to help us make sure that the thing is a rousing success. We will be sending each of you a batch of tickets in the next couple of days, as soon as we get them in hand.

        The purpose of the festival is two-fold: 1) to provide the opportunity

for all of us to get together (in a number of cases it'll be for the first time), to celebrate the first year of the ANVILunderlined and to toast the future of the cause; and 2) to raise some money to keep the thing going & growing.

      We will, at the same time, be showing our face to a lot of the

public for the first time, and the most important point we want to make is that there are quite a few of us. We also want to project an idea of what the magazine is about, so we have notified the press that a number of you will be available for interviews if that is desired.

     We will also be doing brief introductions, and a few of us will be making

short comments, though we aren't planning any major speechmaking. We figure we're putting out enough words in the magazine.

     So ...come for as much of this marathon as you can, and join us in

a little fun and shared solidarity.

                                                 In peace & struggle for a people's world,
                                                      Jackwritten in black ink
                                                      Jack Miller