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apdo, 633 Cuernavaca unclear Mexico 4 Jan 67 Dear Jack, ole sock, I was happy to hear from you, and believe me I do understand and sympathize with the difficulties (as well as the glories) of your transplanation to Missouri soil. I can see by the picture you drew for me that you're a bit tied up, but not er soiled. But what's that muff in the mouth, you fag in disguise. What is California Tar Pit Society? Ole ripwinker miller don kno fur nothin. I liked Swados' anthology. It's a better idea than Moore-Madden So Ill U Press' idea. Yet, by the prospectus, the book looks good. So glad to be with Conroy, Ames, Howe, Green, Chametzsky, Hoffman and the other ole greats! But boy did I find the Traven bit a tough one to crack: talking to an audience that knows nothing about the books of a complex, profound and unique writer. I hope it reads as serious as my sweat. Jack, you need only write a brief note, saying that you consent to my discussing bids for your literary property. This note is only a gents' agreement that I am getting a chance to get bids for you; it's not conclusive or fatal. Since I already HAVE bids on your bin of treasures, I need only your word. Will you send it, however informally? I'll try to get at least 40 grand for you. And you don't have to part with Everything:---just a representative chunk of your archives. Ames & I are writing. He sounds swell. I hope to get down there this month, with a señorita friend of mine, to test his hammocks & hospitality. Will give you a full & juicy report. Jack, I'm having a bit of luck, too. Will send some new publications on BT soon. If you send me the letter, we may get to pay dirt in March '67. Feliz año neuvo, unclear! Su amigo Charlie The (ex) chicken chaser. PS I just got back from my Pacific beach where I live in a mud walled hut with mud floor. Killed 3 scorpions only one of whom stung me! Also killed a few bottles & underlined: scored a few senoritas! ooaah