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wartime, "good" goods were hard to find in England for anyone with a prole's salary. Next time I saw him he had on a really nice American-style suit. The occasion then was when he introduced Norman Thomas at a rally, sometime in the late 1940's. I remember seeing him once on one of Kup's early shows, then known as AT RANDOM, and he and Kup and some rich friends of Kup's were in a hassle about socialism and corruption in America. I wish I could think of his name. He was an English-Jew, quite sincere in his socialism. He told how the 1926 General Strike in England was actually provoked by the Tories so that the workers would lose the strike and afterwards be hamstrung with oppressive laws, which was done, so that the unions cannot to this day have sympathy strikes, that is, not honestly announced as such.

  The enclosed matter is one of those things that tickle the simple workingman, given to

me by a former locomotive engineer on the railroad where I worked the last 20 years of my railroad career. He's a sincere Roman Catholic, as is his wife, and both seemed to think the story was great, although I think one has to be simple-minded to care much for it.

 Waiting now to see what the lawyers locally can do for the men in jail and theirunderlined in blue ink


                                                                                      in blue ink Mead

in blue ink and underlined P.S. : The British prof's name started with Herman, and he was in political economy, oh yes, it was double underlined in blue ink Herman Finer. I thought O'Connor had the makings of a real snob, I wrote to him, telling him I had enjoyed his lecture had read his books, also his articles in underlined Holiday Magazine. I asked him if Sarah Allgood (the supreme goddess of the Abbey at one time) had ever married. No answer. underlined She has a lovely voice. I saw her here in 1927, when the Abbey players were on tour. I learned that she had married, left a son.

on left-hand margin P.P.S.:underlined Sarah Allgood was in "gaslight, with Bergman, also other movies. She died here. Was a great friend of the late Jimmy Gleason and wife.