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and felt well to begin another term I must be short Mary was anxiously looking for you but before she closed it she got your fathers letter Sarah joins me in love to you and all the family your affectionat Mother Elizabeth Everett

Remsen, May 14. 1852. Dear Jane - We received this on Monday eveng the day you left - It is so good, and so proper for you under the circumstances that I thought I would send it after you - We enclose $5 in you bro John's donation to you for coming to visit us - to help towards expenses of your journey - We are all well and quite busy - We had a letter last eveng - Sarah is still getting better. sat up in her chair on Thursday to have her bed made - first time - was some time - but she gets along quite good - Mother will probably come home sometime next week Mrs Hannah Roberts died on Monday and was buried Wednesday - sideways on paper Her unclear something like dropsy I think Mr Roberts preached the funeral sermon Our cofio to you both very much - write soon Your affte father R.E.