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3 striped her, by then the policeman were there one took his coat wraped [sic] her in it led her in the house. she simply died away had to take her home call the Doctor he of Course gave her a shab and nerve medicine they had to take out their guns to try to subdo [sic] tommy but he cursed them, screamed at the top of his voice they took him to fulton, Said he is really dangerous, freda went to see him yesterday, told me today He is kept "Doped" Said she didn't tell Isobell to much about it for she worrys so. I think he will never be allowed to come home again which is right Walter the dunce, says He is only nervous! I just talked to Henderson He ask how you were I told him I got a letter today. He said he is sending you another letter tonight. He also he hoped you would come to Moberly to live when you retire. over