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are gone now. I didn't know if you meant Carlotta is dead or just not there in Moberly. She was a dear girl to me. I remember when I was in the 5th grade at West Park she selected Jim Heifner (who was killed in a sled mishap when he was in high school) and Myself to sing together and many times we were invited to sing and I remember one time we sang for the Rotary Club and after we were through a gentleman came up to me and asked me if I had a sister by the name of Ann. When I told him yes, he said, You tell her I said hello and I am Oak Hunter. Carlotta was a wonderful and talented musician and I really loved her. Yes, we were all members of Immanuel Baptist Church, but Ann cannot remember Josephine Kelly. We were a poor family, but there are times when Ann talks about how little we had and thinks we should have had more, but you know, no men ever worked any harder to feed his family than my Papa did. So I know he did the best he could and thats good enough for me. Would you believe when Papa came to Missouri in about 1900 he was worth in cash about $30,000 and owned quite a bit of land in Kentucky. he owned a mill in Bynumville and Mama had the only millinery shop around there for miles. But he made bad trades and had too many non-paying customers and lost all of it. I was about one year old when they moved from