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in pencil in top margin Johnson, Curt

8-21-78 Mon Dear Jack - How goes it? Hope Gladys is feeling some better. A lot, I hope. -- Have passed on word about Roth, Mortley's lawyer, so we'll see. Thanks for the info. -- Hill writes that "Unfortunately, WRITERS IN REVOLT has never earned back its advance, and it doesn't look as if it ever will (remember, the permission fees added up). In spite of all the talk about a revival of interest in the 30s and proletarian literature, it never translated itself into sales." Which all may be so, but a $$ acctg would have been welcome. - And, as you know, Meridel Le Seuer has been picked up. (Your turn next.) I'm supposed to review three books of her stories (from West End Press -- I think I told you I met John Crawford, didn't I? Great guy) for a small press tabloid. I took art from her broter, Mac, up in Mpls, but know little about her except I like her stories very much. You have any good and/or significant anecdotes? Thanks for the December Pi/crow plug. Haven't seen the review, but I don't get the ST all the time - or very often anyway. - Jay has fallen in love. Judy by name. A law student. And is working, with Jim, on another huge book. I just started as an ad copy writer to people who collect plates as an investment (Rod MacArthur - of the insurance & underlined: Front Page MacArthurs, owns the company -- the Bradford Exchange.) Out of work 14 months. Quit drinking 2 months ago -- till New Year's Eve. Haven't checked BIP or underlined: Ziny yet - Yes, I think we should all be discouraged by the state of publishing. Best to both of you. -- Salud, Curt