were to go up into the Northern mines where the "unclear have been found" -- thus it is alway on a move there. When they first went to N there were only two or three buildings, that was in Sep. now over a hundred some for sale, others empty -- men leaving faster than they came -- I have delt largely on the merits of my brother, while father was left in the rear he is now restored to health and is doing what he can towards accomplishing what he had in view i.e. making money -- he wrote us he was about moving on a Ranch near Sacramento City -- his age would not permit him to work in the mines he has accumulated a little wishing to make that secure he thought it not best to speculate, to much this is the reason he gives for going on a Ranch, they had cattle; keep mules, poultry and such things -- Before they left they had a large tent made which they took through with them, this is to be his canvas house during the summer, if he finds it profatable he will put up a frame house, this is on a well traveled road leading to good digging sometimes using their house as a tavern -- Money is not as easy made as has been represented, yet it can be made