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New York April 27/50 707 Broadway Mrs. Elizabeth Everett Dear Madam
Your letter has been rec'd I am happy to know your daughter's health is improving and trust by using all remedies faithfully as directed She will regain comfortable health. Peruse the manuel attentively and be guided by it. Use the Tonic wash for Whites as directed. Syringing with cold water will strengthen those parts, a cold wet bandage worn around back and abdomen will ensure the closeness - or if the distressed feeling proceeds from dyspelic sufferings lay over chest and bonds a cloth wet in salt and Brandy, use all judiciously. She should ride out every nice? day if strength will permit if only a short distance.
I send to day pr direction a fresh supply of med and hope they will continue to have a happy effect.
Yours Truly S.L. Litch