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The effect of it has been [?], but not permanently, by Mr Murphy's peculiar coarsening and slowing of the Character, his wife inability or disinclination to play the heroine along the lines of my conception and the drunken life of the star; which causes him not only to [?] peculiar performances, but to close his season six weeks ahead of time. These facts cannot be known to the general public and would do us good if they were; for the public has no use for these kind of disagreements. Well, we have taken the play away from him. We can place it in stock at good money, but one season in stock at good money; or at the outside two, kills the play forever, for a star and [?] and five percent" royalties - and altho it is an eccentric role and play Mr. Edwards has supreme faith in its future; and will not allow it to go in stock until all its possibilities as a money maker have been utilized. He says he will keep it idle until my new play is a great hit - and then "Two Men" will go with a [?] rather than take stock engagements now which while they may bring in eighteen hundred dollars this season, will bring in twenty five hundred two years from now; with an intermediary season with some star of three thousand more. This is hard common sense and I mean to abide absolutely by his wish. He is unquestionably the greatest play broker in America and has enormous influence and [?] to be as wax in his hands for he has supreme faith in my future and has done splendidly for me so far. So I do not Count on a dollar from "Two [?] and a fire"