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real Duchess lace collar; it is the fashionable lace, most worn, by all the ladies, tell Laura for the past few months. Give Laura my love, and tell her, I hope she will keep well, and have a pleasant winter. I am all ready, and was to have started this evening, to join our dear Son, at Atlanta, to rush through the South with him. Tuesday afternoon, I received this telegram; "Do not join me, will be home in two weeks". Last night, came a long letter, from Fred, telling me, Mr. Hill would call the Company in because the public do not like the play. Fred gets every where, high praise, plenty of applause, every night, and fine, news paper notices, for his rendering of his part; but the play is condemned, for being badly constructed, improbable, immoral, and much too talky, when Fred is off the scene. I am not surprised, that Mr. Hill will bring it in, for I know, he has lost over,