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Danbury N.C March 31st 1883

My dear Uncle-

I have examined your note, & in my opinion, it is legally drawn & will accomplish the purpose for which it is intended. I enclose it to you, & hope it may reach its destination safely - The mortgage is of the same date but will have to be sent to Nina & signed before it can be registered - As I do not know how long you, Aunt Mary or I may live, I made the mortgage payable in five years with a proviso in it however that if I fail to pay the interest promptly, then it may be foreclosed before the end of the five years, provided you wished it -

 I hope this may be satisfactory to you if however

you wish it written differently, let me know & I will change it, as I made it payable in five years, only because if you & Aunt Mary should die yr heirs might push me immediately. I could