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3 think I got half of my money back again, but you may have the satisfaction of knowing that every country paper of any size in the territory named, has recd a copy of "Our Wild Indians." Many Editors took pains to write personal letters to me after the book was recd, in which they expressed their surprise and admiration of the book. They did not expect anything so good.

  By the way I recd a letter from Gen James S. Brisbin from Fort Keogh a fortnight ago in which

he has the "great honor to congratulate us on the production of Col Dodge's Indian book" &c &c and after other complimentary remarks about the "mechanical execution" of the work, he wants to know if I will not undertake the publication of a book he intends to write on "The Trees"! He stipulates that we shall bring it out in "as handsome form as Col Dodges book" I have not replied to his letter. When I do I shall have to "decline" his book "with thanks"

And now Col. I want to say a word about another matter. I have made no money on "Our Wild Indians." I have done my level best with it, and have given to its sale nearly one solid year of time, in which I have exhausted every resource & plan I could devise to create a good sale. I have succeeded