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2 inclose statement of the same. The total number of books actually sent out to date is 19.659. Of this number 1,587 copies have been given to promote the sale - leaving 18,072 copies on which royalty to you is due. The royalty amounts to $1.807.20 The various sums charged to your a/c (as per statement) and the draft I now inclose for $879.95 - balances the a/c exactly. I hope you will find the statement correct & to your entire satisfaction.

     In explanation of the 1587 copies given away I would say that 127 of them were used for the sole

purpose of obtaining review from the large city papers, New York, Boston, Phil, &c & &c and 1460 were used on the County newspapers. I wanted to give the book such a lift as no book had ever before rec'd, and every county newspaper in N.E, N.Y, Pa, N.J, Md & Del was written to, & a fine copy of the work in Half Turkey binding was offered to the Editor of every paper who would insert our ad't on the terms we named. About 1000 accepted in the states above mentioned, and 460 accepted in the North Western states through my Chicago Gen'l Agent to whom I supplied the books at cost to induce him to go into it. My other General Agents would not adopt the scheme, on the ground that they could not see enough encouragement in the sale to warrant them going into the arrangement. I hardly