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In fast, I have come to look upon my Indian Agency as a grand spree any how, and am in some hopes that I shall be able to get a financial foothold out of it too. But I cannot enter into details- that would be worse than folly. Neither shall I yet determine to make this a permanent home, that we can settle upon some future time as well as now. I go in the morning with Wisner to his Ranche- about 20 miles away. Perhaps I may write this evening of my Mountain trip. I enclose you a few more flowers. I wish I was sure that they would be in tolerable condition when you receive them These violets were full size, the other small blue flower is a moss which covers the rocks near the snow, and gives a most beautiful color to them, you will recognise the flower of the cactus. The large blue bell does not give much idea of its original beauty. Nor does the primrose. When you come we will press flowers in good shape and I think Sayss? had better give you