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his care? a few rods ahead of me, and encountered a pile of lumber, and seemed to be puzzled how to pass it. A little boy clothed in country homespun, took notice of him, went up to him and unclear his assistance led the poor man out of the difficulty. Nor did he stop here; but he guided him on his way and did not leave him until he saw him safely to the place of his destination. One who loves the doers of such deeds, undoubtedly, followed them, and when they separated joined the boy and spoke words of cheer and encouragement for his kindness and presented him with a token of his approbation. My heart smote me afterwards that I did not endeavor to point his young heart to the blessed Lord Jesus Christ and show him that for this benevolent feeling of his heart all the praise belonged to God. He was a country boy and had been but a short time in the city; too short a time to become corrupted by its selfishness. God bless him and keep him from all evil. Sunday, Nov. 3rd. - Sermon in the morning on Math. XVII, 19. 20. Theme - Revivals. Very searching and soul stirring. Agreed with him in every thing but one assertion, which if I understand him, I cannot accept - namely, that God never is willing until the sinner is willing, and remarks of his kindred nature. I believe that God is always willing - always waiting