I left a cart, a very good cart, in your care. Now this cart can never be of any use to my family, but you much. Now, I wish you to buy that cart, and then I shall be certain that those I leave behind will not be cheated by some unprincipled man, who might want to purchase it." "Why, Mr. Dutsen, I don't see what possible use I can put it to, seeing that one of the wheels has not a single spoke." "Oh! That is easily mended, and then it will be as good as new." "Not exactly, for one of the bottom boards is gone, and there are no sides to it." "Those you can soon replace. Come, now, I'll sell it cheap." "Well, what shall I give you for it?" inquired Raymond, anxious to please his dying friend, as he saw that the cart was a heavy burden to his mind, even to the expulsion of more serious thoughts. "You shall have it for thirty dollars," said Dutsen rubbing his thin hands together with pleasure at the thought of unclear of the matter to his satisfaction. "Thirty dollars! Why, it is not worth five." "Five dollars! did you say? Why, it unclear sixty, and here I offer it for half that sum." "Yes, cost that thirty years ago." Old Dutsen became so restless at this remark, and trem