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of ?? the head of the group, whose power and prestige has come into play to get the paper on the program or published in the right journal - knows whether his data are true or false; is usually dependent upon his technicians and assistants, since his time is so much taken up by going to meetings and making the necessary contacts with the various study section groups around Washington who are responsible for the distribution of the millions of dollars destined for the various empires around the country. It's some young person at home who is dealing with the seintillouieler?? or feeding and injecting the rats, successfully or not, honestly or dishonestly, who buries?? burns?? in the data."

"Do you really think the lab assistants would fake their results, Doctor?"

"Well, I have known a good many competent and scrupulous laboratory workers, and I have accused them erroneously. But in recent years it seems almost impossible to get well trained help even for the relatively simple blood chemistries that we depend upon for office practice. There are few training schools for technicians throughout the country, although there are endless courses offered by which some nineteen-year-old girl can learn to use the paper strips and chemistry kits put out by the pharmaceutical houses. But this is a very far cry from the shill and the false indoctrination in scientific principle which we need to require. Beyond this, you have to remember that the eyes who peer down the microscope are alone as they focus and shift the field of vision. Nobody else sees what they are seeing and nobody can look over their shoulder to say they didn't see it. Perhaps the viewer is conscientious and factual the first time or the first hundred times, but some late at  ?? she or he may be in a hurry to get home and at that moment they