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To us accustomed....... this may seem the [criticism of the dilettante to admire the "spaciousness" of Giotto and to place in polar contrast with this the sublime/graphism and linearity of the Sienese, manifestly so congenial to the visualizing of Petrarch. But one would risk the anacronistic retro-dating on an idée chic not crossed out, but with words written above: in the manner from the vocabulary of a modern schoolboy: Giotto and his school Giottesques, Pietro Lorenzetti and Simone cohabit without quarreling the overwritten: supreme matchless walls of Assisi where a brilliant hypothesis of Roberto Longhi overwritten: postulates discovers Cima but as the teacher common to both Giotto and Duccio. We may easily concede that a overwritten: space definition overwritten: reduction of mental focally smaller intellectual armamentarium did not allow the poet other tertium comparationis than the common ground of painting as requiring only the vital breath to integrate the perfect imitation; a common ground equally adapted to an entirely heterogenious work such as the romantic bust of sant'Ambrogio in plaster (then in the basilica and now in the museum) of which in August, 1353, he wrote from Milano to one of the Florentine friends who deplored his acquiescence to the invitation of a "tyrant"