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were outside the charmed circle I was met with growls and hoots. "You'll lose heat through all sides of your glass box! He could at least insulate the floors and ceilings. And you simply can't escape condensation on all your single pane glass and exposed steel! There's nothing he can say or ^'that' modern technology can do that's going to change that."

Those were trying moments for me, but loyalty to the "virhautes Tesicht" prevailed. "He must know what he's doing. And as Head of Architecture at IIT there must be plenty of engineers who can assist if assistance is wanted," I responded.

Certain details which could not be laid to "modern technology" crossed outbut tocrossed out bothered me even more. One of these was the absence of a second door to the house or of any windows whatsoever. The second idea took my breath away and I told Mies that I couldn't spend a night without an open window and would never accept a house without at least