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Margaret - and she entertains ten or twelve people - The Thomases have retired here and Tommy is managing the hospital - Their house is all fixed up with their [E**etes?] furniture and I feel the influence of their years in France - Very nice -

 The shocker of the season is the crack up of the Clark Fitzgeralds - Do you remember the sculptor and his wife? I believe she said she had fallen in love for the first time in her life - They were married twenty seven years - Leah's intended is also married - a Mr. Good who was head of the Acadia Park and now is at the Yosemite - The two couples saw a lot of each other here - 
  The Frank Hatches are here Marjory doesn't go out much -  and Frank has trouble with his eyes and can't drive after dark - Barclay Robinson died last summer - 
  Lucy Flores daughter is married to a Greek artist and living in her mothers house this winter - Then there are lots of other people - so it isn't deserted - 
  I try to picture you in your villa or pallazzo - If you have any snap shots send me one - I have read the books by Howard Arlon and Iris Origo - So I picture you in the Bloomsbury group or what is left of it - Or are they too precious for you? More likely too ancient - 
 Last summer I went to my sister Sallie's ranch in Arizona - The day before Thanksgiving my sister Phyllis son was killed trying to get on a train after it had started - Otherwise nothing has happened to me worth mentioning -