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petticoat for myself so will have something to wear when I get up. Have ordered a nursing shield from Sears such as the one which gave such a good service when Malcolm was little, and also a nursing bottle, such as he used for water.

 Max has been busy planting flowers the past few days. He put in nasturtiums, bachelor buttons, an elephant ear bulb, asters, and portulacas (the seed on the shelf you had saved). Has dug a couple of small beds on the west side of the house and planted the rest in the garden in the rear. My first planting of sweet peas is about 4 inches high. Put some others in the ground along the front porch which have not appeared yet. Max has set the geraniums out that were in the flower box all winter, also the amaryllis and begonia. No signs of blossoms yet on any of these. Has planted morning glory seed in the box, which is to rest on the porch rail and the m.g.'s to climb up from there.
   Malcolm's mumps are on the wane. Swelling scarcely noticeable now. Dr. says will not give them to any one after two weeks have elapsed. He is out-of-doors most of the time. Was unable to eat fruit while he was at the worst - says in the dictionary that acids cannot be taken - but