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M.M. Moore Art Department K.K. Moore Business Mgr.

                                        M. M. MOORE
                                         Photo Pillow Tops
                                                                                                   Glen Ellyn, ILL.
                                                                                                     March 25, 1921.

Dear Mum & Grandmum:

 Customary $5 00 enclosed. Quite rainy lately. Lots of warm weather last Saturday and Sunday. Got up to 78 (degrees). Reached 28 one night this week

so as to keep the green buds in check.

 Speaking of check - Max bought some chess-men and he and I are learning to play. I like it very much more interesting than checkers.
 Took a ride in "Old John" last Sunday. Runs very well in spite of it's winter in the back yard. shall be interested to learn how Fannie's case comes out. Glad

you could go to Tampa and lend your moral support.

 Helen and family brought the crib last Saturday. did not stop except for a few minutes chat. They expect to be located in their new home very soon. Max

gilded crib last night and it looks very well indeed. The airplane bed pad fits it all right so far as width is concerned, so shall use it over the springs - with oil cloth