Chicago, Dec - 14 - 14[?]
Dear May - Your lovely letter of condolence over the loss of my darling companion comes to me like the Balm of Gilead - No tribute to her could be any truer than yours - none knew her better than you except me and only the most devoted lovers could know each other as we did. O, May it is this knowledge that is killing, every wakeful minute of my life is of her and they are of misery and sorrow - I have had about one hour of surcease of sorrow only, it was a note of triumph that sounded - the only one that will ever give me happiness - it was that she selected me to love above all else and cared more for my love than that of any other - but my heart is too burdened to sustain this note for long - Truly you are our dearest friend and we Confided & Connseled with you about our joys & sorrows - crossed out no, only troubles - for all of these you gave that sweet sympathy that only profound love and friendship can feel - My information was that she was only dangerously ill & much as I feared the worst I did not give up hope until I reached home - My first thought was of my promise to you that you and I should care for her until the end - as the hours sped by this thought was all interwoven of how we would do it. I wrote you a little note