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letterhead - sideways: "Of The People, By the People, For the People" THE PEOPLE'S PARTY National Headquarters 726 Eleventh Street Washington 1, D.C.

Bertie had to go to Orlando today to see her sister in the Sanitarium there & try to find out what really is wrong w/ her "innards." The sister has all her 55 yrs. leaned (too much) on "Big Sis." - except as to religion & economics.

 Bertie will spend the night w/ the

Collettes (probably) & interview the doctor tomorrow. You are right that my accident (& now her sister's long & puzzling illness) was hard on Bertie but she is a wonder in the way she quietly meets every situation & responds to every call upon her. -like a well timed motor, no complaining, no self pity. She is a wonderful companion - so even-tempered & equal to every situation. I'm like you as to Xmas - I've boycotted it 1,000% for 50 yrs but I do ask - the cards friends send me & I'm glad to hear from them. We still hope to go to D.C. for 2 days & then NY for 2 months by the latter part of Feb - and to swing around the circle (W Palm Beach, Avon Park, St Petersburg) before we leave. If only "the leg" will please hurry & get well. Our love to you, Fred Blossom