Sept 12 - 57 -
letterhead Frederick A. Blossom Bertie Lee Blossom
Summer address Winter address Macedonia, R.F.D. 3 - R.F.D. 1 Clarkesville, Ga East Palatka, Fla.
Dearest May -
So glad to hear from you - we were so sorry to not to see you in July on
our flying trip with Pearl & Chickpi (Fred's adopted daughter & her daughter) their time was by far too short - But we 3 girls had a grand trip to Nassau & around east & west coast of Fla - they came here for only one day then we drove them to relatives in Camden S.C. - they went from there to D.C. - where Freds friends gave them a real sighting tour before they left for Calif - we enjoyed them very much
part of letterhead: From each according to his ability -- To each according to his needs