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I have my dog but no cat now. My pups is really loads of company. We often go down on the beach and play together - I am less than a block from the water. There are no trees here so we do not have any birds and the soil is queer so no flowers. It is really a very desolate sort of a place. I read a great deal and sew a whole lot. I used to do pine needle work but haven't for a long time. Of course I am more acquainted with the people here and can get out more. Every one is so far away from every one else tho'. I am so glad you are able to be back in club work this year and wish I could be back there as I en- joyed all our good times together. There have been fifteen planes over me this morning and I always have the lovely ocean to watch so I hope I can get to feeling better. Love and best wishes to you and your mother. Lovingly, Helen Baker