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was mentioned. Today my arm feels as if it were an appendage in the middle of an epidemic in Aberdeen.

   This is a hectic summer for us!   Summer school ends July 3.  On Aug. 3 we fly from Chicago to London.  We'll be in Europe 18 days.  Then I'll return to do departmental work.  Meanwhile there are trip preparations and bustle for daughter Carol's college.
   Next week except Monday when I go for second typhus and eye exam, could I come in to see you?  I'd like to bring my book.  I'm about to give it away to any Chicago newspaper editor who'll print it - for the publicity value.  There is some small element of ?timidness? that could wear off - not much though.   What are your latest ?writings??

Sincerely Ed Bruell

written in left margin

Will you be at 130 North Wells or at Columbia College? If at Columbia, I forget the exact address. It's on Wabash I think. Summer school ends at 12:15, but my best time would be 3 pm or so.