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Backward"--by Edward Bellamy published by Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston. these 3 are novels--the 1st 2 on Railroad & Triumph of Conservatism are comprehensive historical accounts of that period. We're also studying "The State in Capitalist Society by Ralph Miliband publ. Basic Books Inc. New York. this is an analysis of Western system of power. "also" "The Decline of Socialism 1912-1925 in America" James Weinstein Vintage Giant press Division of Random House New York. this has an especially good section on the function of education of the period All this material and much more we haven't listed we hope will give us a base of knowledge from which we can develope provocative-thought full-carefully planned workshop to do in the public schools with children of 2nd grade thru high school level. Thereby, Providing one kind of program which