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newspaper clipping- (few letters cut off)ILLARD MOTLEY, Chicago's prize-winning (a)uthor, writes from Mexico that he plans to return here next month to introduce his pals to the 11-year-old Mexican lad he is (quotation marks penciled in) adopting. The youngster was a street urchin when Motley found him.

line drawn from newspaper clipping to paragraph

Pops, why do the man put quotes around "adopting"? Ah doesn't understand the meaning of this - but am terrible suspicious. He wont be a "street urchin" long, Jim. Not unless they change the name - That aint what they used to call it.

newspaper clipping PEOPLE'S WRITERS ARE NEEDED. Writing is not mysterious. We have the content - struggle. You can learn the form. I can help you 6 mo. personal help $25 or $5 a month. Meridel Le Sueur, Box 3190, St. Paul, Minn.

arrow pointing from newspaper clipping to paragraph You too can be a Peoples Writer and earn Easy MONEY.

File:Photograph of a naked person in heavy eye makeup and tight cap with a horn atop it in a passionate embrace with a mannequin with horns, clearly representing the devil

arrow pointing from paragraph to image People's Writer at work. Sometimes he has to fish all night