Glad you are getting along so well with your Christmassing and please note right here, you are not to spend one penny for anything for me- I've made a can of cranberry sauce to take to the Slaughter - Caitlin banquet, and they are sure to provide themselves with fruit cake. I have bought 3 pkgs of nuts for myself and guests, if I have any - need I'll get a nice chicken at Palmer's to top off the Holiday festivities, so all is provided for. Frank gave me a fine pyrex baking dish suitable for gingerbread or sponge cake baking - Have never used it but I'm going to give that to Mrs Riffle - and calendars for her and Mrs Moore - if they come. So sorry you have been suffering with bad wisdom tooth and glad you have found a new satisfactory dentist. It's a delight to me to know about the visit with the children and to the theatre. I know how you enjoyed it. Seems to me Nancy is the least normal of the children - She seems to be ailing just when there's a good time planned. Hope she isn't neurotic