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5) To begin with Cora came over yesterday rather early to help me spray my hibiscus plants and dwarf poincianias. While she was gone this M.D. came to see Mrs. Putney, who for weeks has had symptoms of diabetes. One toe is gangrened, so in the aft. after Cora got home at noon, they took Mrs. Putney to the hospital which unclearCora's trials as she is not to take her back. I'm so glad! And Mr. Hobbins delayed his departure one day because he was "all in," after helping pick g.f. and will rest today and try to go tomorrow. Cora and I are both afraid he won't stand the trip, as he was in the hospital some short time ago for an operation. (I surmise it was prostate gland trouble.) He is a fine man, jolly, well-travelled and interesting but from what Cora said a few minutes ago she won't consider taking an old ailing man for her husband - Too bad, as I had a happy future outlined for her. Much love, Mother