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4) to buy, and they start for Fla. Apl 14th meaning to hunt a location for some light work and a home. Going to offer them my garage apt. until they look around awhile. I enjoyed making their acquaintance when they passed through A.P. about 3 yrs ago. We have corresponded ever since. See no further along with my new dress than when I wrote you about it. I foolishly burned all of my paper patterns some weeks ago, and can't find anything in Buttericks or Simplicity patterns that I would have. Those two small boys, the Pickens, came again Friday. I said "I thought you had gone to Tennessee!" The only thing I gave them was a match to light the stub of a cigarette they had and a scolding for smoking. I hate to turn them down, thinking what citizens they will become. They said they had worked 4 hours for a woman and she gave 15 yr old Jancee? 25 cents and 13 yr old Wm 15 cents! I told them that that was probably all they were worth: that I had paid them more than they were worth because I was so sorry for them. Then they left. Much love, Mother