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and the whip and 2 darts (it has both) from the tail of a another sting ray. This tail was fully two feet long, maybe more, and was a murderous looking black shiny cord that tapered very slightly like the lash of a whip. Then there were the daintiest of corals, lace, lettuce and snowflake, and shells of all shapes sizes and colors. We went Thursday aft. to see "Hawaiia Calls" or beckons or something. Bobby Breen sang, the first I had seen him. He sings wonderfully. We went to supper that evening to the Garden cafeteria and waited patiently with several hundred others lined up in 4 or 5 rows to get into the eats. The food was very good, not high priced, and the service expert. It is named from the fact that it is arranged to look like an outdoor garden. A little fountain, neon lighted, sprayed real

[written in left, top and right margins] Will try to get Fred Allen Wednesday. Heard the last half of the Barbarolle concert Sunday and the World in Yours, and had started Mickie Mouse when the Wrays came. We walked out of the theatre the other afternoon forgetting that Mickie was on the program - and regretted we couldn't go back. Hope Marion is all o.k. Lands sakes! Measles! What next? Much love, Mother.