them before but it did no good here is the reason for the trouble now England & France let Hitler gobble up what he wanted without any opposition, except their music which he paid no attention to, had armed force been used at the first dissregard to the treety signed at the conclusion of the World War, the present War by Germany or rather Hitler would not have began, this is my idea. What are the outlook on the orange crop, no accidents, and number of boxes, and probable price as soon as the oranges are ready, aend me a container to distribute to prospective buyers, it will be paid for when my order is sent in, if passable want to sell all you wish to sell. I hope you rented your rent home, I went to Roanoke and found a no good Horologist was making this place twice a week after 6 p.m. so decided for the presant not to go. buss service is poor to make it North while a trip by auto would have to be made, but finding some one to make the drive at a reasonable price may be hard to find, no the lathe mfg quit as wood lathes except home craft ones are preferable to the one I have. Love Frank