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August 16, 1935. Dear Katharine: I, too, would have liked to have seen you all the other Sunday. Hope we'll be home if you do come out again. Also hope that we may drive in to see you before it gets cold. Elmo is too tired these Sundays to drive so far. That Sunday you were at Starr's we were only gone part of the afternoon, but it happened to be while you were here, or rather when you telephoned. I wish I had saved several stamps I finally burned, have only two that Marvin might care for, but if I have more will gladly send to him. Think Malcolm does well to work at cement thru the hot summer, that is not easy. Elmo did quite a little of it earlier in the summer, put a floor in a cattle shed. Just now the men are threshing-- what with breaking the machine & the damp weather it goes slowly. Our machine