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of joy - It is indeed - just think of it - our redeemer whose heart was full of love gave us that to remember them by O, how tenderly we cherish a little thing given us by some relative who has passed before us into the eternal world, or that was given to you perhaps by a loved one who was afterwards sold into unclear unknown to you our dear Savior? unclear in this world unclear he had unknown all his followers. So he left us a little bread and wine - which we can easily get - he always provides and tells us to take this in remembrance of him. I felt unclear the other evening to be permitted to have a little when of unclear he has thus left for us to remember him by. I was pleased to be allowed to gather at his table with those who I trusted loved our Lord Christ Oh sincerity but I do not think we should gather noisily at his table. How was it when he ate and drank the bread and wine with his disciples unclear that disciple? do whom Jesus loved. Just think of someone who had unclear want to be like such a one, for we all want him to love? us. We he noisily dancing? up and down? no, but he quietly lay with his head on the Savior's breast, and so dear friends, may we. He is so quiet and sympathetic that he will let us come and lay our head on his breast. O, how gentle he is, and shall we disturb them with our noisy shouting?