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You see I am likely to be provided for and cared for somewhere. The way seems to open before me without my own planning, and so it has seemed to be all through the year. I try to put myself in the Lord's hands, and He carries me along, and has cared for me very kindly and tenderly. It does pay to trust him. If you feel inclined to stay at John's this winter, and are comfortable and contented there, perhaps you had better stay. The winters are pretty severe here, and you might find it very confining, and perhaps lose the strength you have gained, before spring. But you must do as you think best, if you stay there you will have the

in margins: P.S. - Wm D. preached in our church last Sunday - and inquired very kindly for you. as all the friends do when I meet them. We saved some seeds from the grape tomatoes you sent home last fall, and have now about 1/2 dozen plants with green fruit on - what shall we do with them? I have lost the recipe for grape wine - had to make by guess last fall.