Monday evening
Dearest Mother:
I did not get your birthday letter off today as I planned and had to cancel an appointment at five o'clock to have my hair set - got the six o'clock car home. It is nice to be busy , though much better than trying to make work as we did some days last winter.
Did I tell you about the trip I am planning to take to Madison? Your last letter is at the Bank and so do not have it to refer to. Anyway, I am quite sure now that I am going, and plan to leave Saturday afternoon at 3:35 from Elmhurst. Max will take me over if he gets home in time (he is driving Malcolm's Ford for a while) and I get to Madison around eight o'clock. Got a letter today from Miss Kohle saying that she would meet me at the Bus depot and I am to stay with her: Learving some time Monday afternoon