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If I work in Wheaton or Glen Ellyn I can be home by five-thirty and do not have to leave until a quarter of eight.

I do not plan to work longer than the first of October, as my club activities will begin then. Hope Max will be suitably established by that time. 

The kittens were born last Sunday/a week ago while Marvin's measles were at their worst and to make matters a litle more difficult, I also was doing the family washing. The washer broke down when I was half-way through, but I got some necessary sheets and pillow cases on the line, anyway. Max repaired it the next day; drove to Aurora and got a part Sunday afternoon. Cost $18.00 but that is the first money of any consequence that it has cost us and goodness knows we never could have got along without it. Mrs. Kopp's washer, which she purchased quite a bit later than you bought this one, went up in the air quite a while ago - more than a year ago, I believe. Guess she is sending things to the laundry now, or doing them out by hand. She is back next door, again, after a fall and winter at Mrs. Curtis's.

Virginia is still working in the Court House at Wheaton. I may try to get something there if the bank job does not materialize.

I hope Lawrence Wray has something definite in mind before going to Detroit - otherwise, I'm afraid he will starve to death. The last I heard there were thousands of men out of jobs and more being let out all the while. Lots of love, Katharine

Cats had 4 kittens. Two days later I drowned 2 of them. Awful - but had to do it, as nobody else would. The remaining ones are a dark tiger stripe and the other almost an exact copy of the mother - white, yellow and grey. The mother was established in a box under the stove in the kitchen. 4 days later she carried the kittens upstairs to the floor of my closet. She is now in a larger box at the end of my dresser where she is enjoying more seclusion than was possible in the kitchen.

written in left margin Jerry does not mind Major. He is the boss, as Major is only a pup, in spite of his size.