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(2) and several related organizations.

  No time now to go into more detail. 
  My Dad in 1914 - took us (my 2 brothers and me) to Socialist party crossed out - tickets picnic - in Santa Ana, Southern California - and he voted for Eugene V. Debs - but he and my mother in 1917 (I think it was) voted for Woodrow Wilson for president - because of his promise to keep America out of war. 
  My mother with her father in Kansas (he and my grand mother home-steaded160 acres & bot sic  40?  acres more) belonged to the Knights of Labor.

in left margin: In 1878 - her family came in covered wagon from Iowa First lived in sod house - burnt buffalo chips water from river at a distance

   I went to see Earl last sunday. He was sitting on front porch of rest house. He's always crossed out: happy to seems to be pleased to have visitors. Even in spite of illness - he keeps somewhat the same spirit underneath     (2)

-Thats all for now Best Wishes I remain For O B U Anna. To Fred Thompson