time friend Senator Pettigrew wants to go ther and like you I want to ? to do something before I die. I believe I will go out in the next two months probably coming to Seattle Tacoma & Portland & on down to California - Any how I want to see you. As to Sarah I hope things will come out. Of course I dont wonder that the ? would not want the charges made that seem to be necessary, if only one could deal with him and he would agree to get it himself in ? when the time is up that would do, but I presume he would not. I dont just see how she stayed with him all those years. - His little goodness is deadly. If he had big faults & ? one could stand it: poor girl I wish I could help. If a crowd of us could get ? close together and then it would be a comfort. that is about all there is in life & really one ought to do something before the end - even if that was the end. I have been greatly influenced of ? by Nietchie, ? and fight is about all there is to life - he ? all there is to life. and any scheme to get out