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letterhead 1202 Ashland Block Chicago

Feby 9 [1914]

Dear Mary

 Older was here Saturday on his way to Washington. Only stopped a few hours but is to stay longer on his return. It was good to see him.  Since [[?nday?] I have been to N.Y. where I had a bully time. Spoke four times in two days.   As for me I enjoyed it.  Found a fine concert.  . There are more of us there than any where else. Mary I often spoke of you & I made a great hit reading your letters which are the best ever.  Gertrude is very busy trying to fix the old thing right.  She is a bully girl.  O yes she was marveling a little at how well I lectured and she said "You must have a wonderful Constitution,  I answered "Yes my constitution is all right but my bye laws might be improved."  What do you think?