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Sept. 10th proper name of town unclear Colorado Dear Mary I am here for three or four days with my boy & his children, and are having a good time. The little girls are growing fine& getting older & were over whelming every time I come, too bad that they or any one will ever grow up. I dont know why they should, they really unclear less about the real things or they get old. I can't ? go to Tahoe, dearly as I would love to see you on the lake. I go back Sunday to work, darn it. Still I guess I am better off working. I dont think much when I am busy. think I shall send you a book or two when I get back. Was sorry Kent lost. Sorry for him & for you unclear. Wish ? would stop with me if he comes east. Any how I shall not let it be so long until I see you again. When I get back shall try to write a longer letter even though it should be pessimistic. Hope is ? - wont be a pessimist too bad she is so wise should have been an idiot. I do long to see you & next to that get your letters so please write Ever with love [underlined] C.S.N. [end underline]