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sure that a reprive will be given. But I am not concerned of it. Till to day the reprive was not announced, and if the Gov. keeps silent for other six days, on next one we will be in the death house. This is what I mind because, if so will happen, it would signified to me, that the Governor is already intentioned to burn us on the electric chair or else burry us alive and forever in the [malbotgei?] of the State Prison. I am told by some persons that Gov. Fuller is an open-steight acting man of courage and character; that the three men he appointed to investigate the case are of broad mind and character: and that none of the four would behave trickly and hypocritelly. On the other hand, learned, old and good American, Bostonian comrades are not so pleased as other conservative friends of the selection.

 Will this investigation be another mockery? another spitting on our faces? another spunge with vineager and bitterness, pressed to our lips on a lance's point? the last stabbing in our costates?? I have been dealed so unjustly, trickly, snickly and bestially by "men of broad mind, dignity and character" (capitalist and reactionary" that I can trust no one "of the other side.