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107 there are Bears, Wolves, Panthers, Deer, Coons, Oppossums, Leopard Cats, Pole cats, Skunks, & then Snakes-- The people of the Northern States are not the arrant Emigrant roads as those of the Western & Southern states of the Union. Some emigrate to get away from a "difficulty"; others knowing the more Westerly lands are rich & virgin, & many try and persuade themselves that they are going to a 'land of milk & honey" & this is in a measure true - for Stock raising is busy & wild honey in abundance. These new lands of Texas merely require 'scraping" & a crop of corn or cotton comes up the first year. In the majority of locations, clearing the land is not necessary for on the skirts? of the 'Timbers' /where there is always water/the Farmer is immediately rewarded: moreover on the 'bottoms' & in the woody country that which extends from river to river, there are patches of open land sufficiently large for plantations & farms. Under the Mexican "Empresario' system & since then up to the present time, with some modification, grants of land are given to Emigrants unclear from where they may: thus all that was wanted, was to arrive in the country: say in the case of a Planter with his negros & in a brief space, cotton