Anglica Bow street is situated near to the old Cathedral. About 10 AM. The doors are thrown open 90 when a large Cage-like piece of Architecture is seen on the right, full of the drunkards, vagabonds & thieves taken during the night. We found an acquantances of the incarcerated, those who hear them, are seen barely making known to 'Counsel' the real?. I take? of the case - The Recorder takes his place - "Silence 'Ballas"?" in the Court. A lock is opened - fatal Sorck!?. It is the list of names of persons & their reported crimes. According to their turn they can be out of the said cage & brought before the Recorder. Drunkenness and Vagabondzing appear to be the principal crimes, and if the culprit cannot make out a pretty good case for his intemperance, he is fined, & if he have Committed any particular cacess?, sent to prison ^ at Baton Rouge The Recorder I saw in the bench appeared a very gentlemanly Man, he heard the cases with great patience, he remonstrated with the persons in a kind and parental manner, & was even satisfied to get a promise for future good conduct than to incarcerate the delinquent; the majority are
in margin was called by then the 'Hotel of Baton Rouge'